Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blade Runner

The Story Basicly Sets itself on earth .in los anglos after cloning being outlawed on earther .Rick Deckard hired to kill off clones after a fellow blade runner is killed by a nexus six clone and escapes. . at the start the Deckard seemed to be very skilled at his job being very proffesinal While Giving his first suspect a Voight-Kampff test.which goes very smooth that is until he gets smacked around a couple of times by a woman who he eventually kills in a running seemed to bbe truely beautiful as he shoots at the woman in a slow motinon scen she runs threw glass As she shoots her down in cold blood giving short and simple transitions to him and the clone being the beging of this scene the director uses manipulation in a since to draw u into the scene by having the woman to be half nak ed in the scene watchin her every move as she slowley dresses her slf and then t the chase scene where she is still almost basically bare running in a see threw raincoat.up till the part she gets killed.after his first kill of the movie he seems to be very
she was human.While being pursuted throughout the movie by two would-be clones who I'd like to think were very crazy, hightened the mood of the movie adding more suspenses on the movie at this point in the movie it made u a little curious on whether the clones were going to get face to face with Deckard.

Monday, May 4, 2009

First off to be openly honest this is one kick ass movie.i kinda got a thing for western since that's all my grandmother watches when at home with me besides the price is right.I Really have No Complaints with the movie besides it was so short it left out plenty of the details in the seven samurai in which it was originated from. Magnificent seven was good but in comparison to seven samurai it fall short in length and plot development in my eyes i really cant write a review for the one because more or less its like writting a lesser review of seven samurai.all an all it is a prett good mordernization of seven samurai

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lorenzo's Oil

The movie Lorenzo's oil tells about a child being diagnosed with adl and his family journey to cure this quote unquote incurable disease.I Don't know if this is the most saddening movie I've ever watched because in the beginning of the movie the child seems to very intelligent knowing two languages at the age of nine or ten and he spends three years of his life in Africa After shortly returning home Lorenzo has a couple of episodes in which he severely hurts him self and or Freaks out.The parents gets him tested.He Get Diagnosed with adl Which apparently deteriorate the brain well u know what happens from there.To watch a child go from this to a vegetated state is the worst part of the movie but in the end of the movie they find a cure for which still dosen't help Lorenzo but helps tons of other little boy around the world with adl.Through out the movie the parents struggle with tons of problems some of with doctors who dont belive the oil can help.home nurses who dont care for lorenzo the way the mother thee end the doctors approve the oil and it name after lorenzo

Monday, April 27, 2009

The grave of fireflies

The grave of the fireflies is the most touching movie I ever watched
taking place toward the end of World war II in Japan, Grave of the Fireflies is the tale of the relationship between two orphaned children, Seita and his younger sister Setsuko . The children lose their mother in the Fire bombing and their father in service to the Japanese Navy, and as a result they are forced to try to survive amidst widespread Famine and the callous indifference of their countrymen (some of whom are their own extended family members). to be honest I almost Cried at the the end of this movie it was very depressing I'm very sympathetic towards the older brother and his struggle to provide for his little sister Setsuko in which he tries to make something out of nothing of course it was good parts of the movie as of any movie with a sad ending where it seemed as thing where looking Good for the two until things went slowly down the drain when his little sister gets sick and slowly dies of starvation and seita cremates her in a fruit tin eventually so does the older brother die.The movie wasn't to sadning after this when the two are seen looking over the city of Kobe and are no longer in raggedy clothes but instead are dress in fine clothes .The reason why i feel i can identify with the movie so much is because it reminds allot of my mother and her struggle to take care of me and my family ....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Seven Samuri

this movie to be honest didn't interest m e very much at the Beginning because it started off really slow and it was yet again black and white i started to pick up what the movie was about when the swords started to swing more and the action picked up i caught eye to a really cool character toshiro mifune's character who always seemed to laugh in any situation.Which made the movie allot more comical to me so i gained interest quickly after that .seven samurai was more then seven skilled fighters protecting a village of farmers it showed the social standings in which Japanese civilians abide by.for example if u were a samurai it was unethical for u to be with a farmer.i say this to point out the fact that the most questionable samurai in the end of the movie leaves the road of a samurai to be with a young maiden.the reason why this shocks me because this guy seems to actually dedicate himself to the road of a samurai early on in the movie but oh well...Well that's all i have to say about the movie besides the movie was quite depressing seeing the deaths of the coolest samurai gang...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Throne of Blood,


Throne of Blood, Exam

After watching Throne of Blood, Kurosawa's story of betrayal and ambition in Medieval Japan, I wanted to talk about (in my very important exam in which in be half of me i hope helps me get a passing grade).The element of noh was greatly entwined throughout the movie its almost like a musical drama basically unfolding before you.There are are several Different sound element i can identify with being that the sound aren't Japanese they seem to be more American.Also there are a couple of realistic elements i can idntify with is the elements of fog and rain this in the movie achevied the mysical effect when the fortune teller popped up gave the king his fortune.the choreograpy acheived more in my eyes stylisim because it kept the shape of the movie.This is sadly the end i would write more but i would be lying because i would know nothing about this.That is the reflection of