Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Throne of Blood,


Throne of Blood, Exam

After watching Throne of Blood, Kurosawa's story of betrayal and ambition in Medieval Japan, I wanted to talk about (in my very important exam in which in be half of me i hope helps me get a passing grade).The element of noh was greatly entwined throughout the movie its almost like a musical drama basically unfolding before you.There are are several Different sound element i can identify with being that the sound aren't Japanese they seem to be more American.Also there are a couple of realistic elements i can idntify with is the elements of fog and rain this in the movie achevied the mysical effect when the fortune teller popped up gave the king his fortune.the choreograpy acheived more in my eyes stylisim because it kept the shape of the movie.This is sadly the end i would write more but i would be lying because i would know nothing about this.That is the reflection of


This movie was amazing.i realized in this movie while Mr Calder was blurting in my ear about color and stuff and such that in this movie it seemed to be more poetic then a action movie about killing and slashing people in half ..Sure enough the colors did play a big role in the movie realized in certain scenes the color turned into one solid color to set the mood as where a person
would be dying but would be laughing the color would be green instead of red.maybe it was that way to show the funny in the situation or something ..the end

O' Brother

Well this movie Was a good one it was very interesting it really made me get a firm understanding of the hero journey plot more.through out the movie there where things that threw me off a Lil because of the comedy but there where key things that keep the hero journey plot the old man who is blind who also has no name or works for no man he plays the roll of the supernatural aid And tells the three about there journey and there (ob-stack-els).The whole movie kept me pretty interested so sadly i have nothing to say to critique this move but o well.imperfections are perfections in some one Else's eyes

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cinematograpy Has Changed?

cinematography has really changed my view on how lighting can effect a movie.Usually while watching a movie i would listen to word play and care less about the the music or lighting .while in cinematography I've learned to appreciate the value of different lighting's seeing that this could set and or change the mood of the movies as well as the music can.Also i come to notice more on word play and that different tones can mean different things at certain times in a movie  as with a character who speaks monotone during a whole movie reaming completely emotionless until one moment when a river of complete emotion flows to show how dramatic a scene can get